Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine Whitstable, Herne Bay, Broadstairs and Margate

Magdalena Lius-YouardBSc (hons), MSc (Traditional Chinese Medicine) MBAA MBAF

Psychological Wellbeing

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the body and the mind is seen as ONE.  Ie they exist as a continuum and in unison with each other.  The holistic view in TCM means we never look at an issue in isolation but always in the context of the WHOLE. 

Magdalena has long experience of working with mental-emotional problems irregardless of origin. To further aid her understanding and assist in her treatments of psychological issues and mental-emotional wellbeing, she has studied psychoanalytic psychotherapy at  AGIP (The Association of Group and Individual Psychotherapy) for 2 years and holds a Certificate in the Foundations of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 

She relies heavily on the belief of how emotions become stuck in certain areas of the body causing both physical and emotional symptoms. She will then work accordingly with the principles of Chinese medicine (with acupuncture/herbs) or Ayuruvedic Chakra theory to help to rebalance and release these stuck emotions. 

Magdalena will always ensure there is enough time in her session to explore these areas verbally as well as through appropriate treatment. Sometimes an extended session time will be recommended. She is happy to work with a goal oriented approach or on a more open-ended on going basis. 

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