Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine Whitstable, Herne Bay, Broadstairs and Margate

Magdalena Lius-YouardBSc (hons), MSc (Traditional Chinese Medicine) MBAA MBAF


Tide Therapies (
8 Buckingham Road, Broadstairs CT10 1QR

Tuesdays from 2 pm (starting in April 2024)

Osteopathy & Wellbeing (                               70 Canterbury Road, Herne Bay CT6 5SB


Whitstable, just off Cromwell Road.

Call me on 07940 715762 to arrange for appointments in Whitstable.
My main work days in Whitstable are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays but I can sometimes offer more flexibility.

If you would like to discuss your problem with me before making an appointment, call 07940 715 762.


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